Combining the power of classic Ambrotose complex (including mannose from aloe vera and nutrient rich wakame (a special type of brown seaweed), Advanced Ambrotose products are based on Real Food Technology solutions.
Research has also shown that, as a natural form of vitamin A, beta-carotene enhances the immune support benefits of our Advanced Ambrotose formula.
Mannatech’s Advanced Ambrotose products are based on a breakthrough formula that offers an advanced blend of saccharides. They combine arabinogalactan and saccharides from aloe and Manapol® powder, which provides a more pure form of aloe vera gel powder that has a higher molecular weight than others and is also richer in mannose.
Mannatech has significantly enhanced the Advanced Ambrotose powder formulation by adding Manapol powder, a proprietary aloe vera gel powder that is exclusive to Mannatech.
Manapol powder is a more pure and effective form of aloe vera gel that is exclusive to Mannatech. It provides a high concentration of polysaccharides rich in mannose, which is an important glyconutrient. It is also the original glyconutrient upon which Mannatech was started.
By adding Manapol powder to the Advanced Ambrotose powder, we’ve increased the glyconutrient content creating a more effective and potent product.
Manapol powder has a higher molecular weight than other aloe vera gel powders, and the health benefits associated with the intake of aloe vera gels have been linked to high molecular weight polysaccharides. By adding Manapol powder to the Advanced Ambrotose formula we’ve increased the native aloe vera gel equivalency by 20%.
NutriVerus® powder and Ambrotose Complex.
Advanced Ambrotose products also include fucoidan-rich Undaria pinnatifda, or wakame, a brown seaweed harvested from the clear waters off the coasts of Tasmania and Patagonia. Fucoidans are an important polysaccharide that help protect cells and tissues against oxidative damage.
Glyconutrients are dietary supplement ingredients containing beneficial amounts of polysaccharides. Mannatech was among the first dietary supplement companies to recognize and capitalize on glyconutrient technologies.
Individuals with allergies or sensitivities to any ingredients in our products should always consult their personal physician before use.
Is it okay to mix Advanved Ambrotose powder in hot liquids?
Yes, Advanced Ambrotose powder can be mixed in hot liquids, such as soups or teas. For maximum effectiveness the product should be consumed in a short period of time.
The filling of the jars is measured by weight, not volume. Because this is a natural product, there is sometimes a variation of density in the ingredients. This may affect the number of servings obtained using a teaspoon (a volume measurement) but does not change the number of servings by weight. When the product is dispensed into the containers the weight is used to determine the fill. Each jar is individually weighed during the time of dispensing, and a sampling is taken and reweighed prior to distribution of the batch. We are confident that the weight is correct.